Monday, March 15, 2010

We are Family

I had a lovely visit with my mother this weekend.  She was able to come to St. Paul from upstate New York and spend a few days with us.  We kept her hopping with book club, a basketball tournament for Charlie and a visit to Red Wing for a class I taught.  We all enjoyed it and, as always, it was fun to spend time together since we don't get to do it very often.

I am struck, sometimes, by what little things in each day remind me that I am part of a family.  One of my favorite is that crazy morning routine that happens every day, come rain or come shine.  It starts at our house with the early risers - Bill and me (and my mom this weekend), reading the headlines of the paper or paying bills in those pre-dawn hours.  It then goes something like this:  

Jack - are you taking the train to school or getting a ride?

Charlie - it's time to wake up, honey.

What kind of sandwich do you want for lunch?

Bill - what time are you coming home?

Charlie - please get up.

Chips or cookies?

Am I taking the train home or are you picking me up?

Who do you think will make the final 4?

Charlie - get up now - I have a meeting and it's a long walk to school.

And on, and on it goes......Almost the same every day, but somehow comforting in it's familiarity and routine.  I'm sure I'll have to build in new family routines as the boys grow up and move out, but for now, I'll enjoy these.

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