Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where does the Time Go?

I just realized that it's been over a week since I blogged.  I think it's amazing at this age that the time truly does slip by sometimes without notice.  We've been home and at the cabin, living the normal life of the almost 50 - driving kids places, supervising homework, working and planning a vacation.  All good, but I realize that I need to carve out space for me during all that stuff.

My exercise and writing seem to take the back burner first - and my goal for April is to put them back on the front burner, even in small ways.  I am beginning to train for my summer triathlons, and the good news is I know where to focus, the stark reality, is that I need to get my butt in gear.  

My blogging/writing also needs to be revitalized, and I'll try to take time each day to think about it and ideally write 3-4 times a week - I sometimes get caught up in not having a significant topic to write about so I wait - I will have  gardens and a great vacation to fill those spots in the next weeks, so that will help.

I will also plan to do a 6-month check in the first week of April - how am I doing against my goals, how is the year going, what am I looking forward to in the second 6-months?

More later this week - it is true that every journey starts with the first step - even if you are doing the first step again.

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