Sunday, May 23, 2010

No Good Deed....

Goes unpunished, I think is how the saying goes.  Well that seems to be the case for my tri-ing to get back into shape. As I mentioned, I fell off my bike last week on my first real bike ride of the season.  I got a pretty nice bruise, but also apparently a pinched nerve in my lower back - UUG.  I must have twisted in my elegance as I tried to stand back up and am dealing with an incredibly painful left cheek, and numb left leg.

This week has been full of doctor's appointments, serious pain drugs, anti-inflamatory medication, and lots of pain. Who knew a pinched nerve could hurt so much?  I take back every less than empathetic thought I've every had about someone dealing with back pain.

I have to go to the spine doctor on Tuesday to figure out what to do next and am open to trying any and all non-invasive options to heal it. Chiropractor, acupuncture, herbs, I don't care - I just don't want to have stuff injected into my back if I can help it.

I've also realized how much for granted I take my healthy body.  I spend too much time being tough on myself for not being the perfect weight, and not enough time appreciating how lucky I am to be strong and healthy.  I am gaining a new perspective.

I am also a pretty crabby patient (just ask my family).  I need to get better fast so I can get back to training for this triathlon, and just doing my job.  I had to change a meeting tomorrow in Western MN because I can't drive or sit for more than a half-hour at a time.  I hate having to reschedule work - It is a part of my core to be on time and reliable.

Honestly, what I think I'm learning here is patience - Something I've never been particularly good at, so I'm sure this a lesson for me - I might have been able to learn it less painfully though!

I'll keep you posted, and hope to look back soon at this lesson with a more balanced perspective on strength and health - soon!

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