Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Well it's a new year and a new decade - amazing!  I guess it's time for those pesky new year's resolutions - so here goes.

My plan this year is to  keep the resolutions to a minimum and actually see if I can achieve them. I don't have a great track record in this area, so I'm aiming for improvement. I think a few categories and a goal or two in each should be plenty.  Focus is always a good thing.

The Blog - I plan to write every weekday and once on the weekends, and I'd love increase the number of comments I get so we can share the wisdom

Health/Wellness - I want to complete 3 triathlons this year and reach lifetime status at Weight Watchers

Work - I'd like to continue to grow my business with new work, new clients and have fun

Family - I plan to stop swearing (maybe the hardest one yet) and focus on patience as a parent of teenagers.

World beyond Maggie - Find a volunteer opportunity that fits - so far I've dabbled in a few, but haven't found the one that I feel great about yet.

OK - that's enough I think - I'd love to hear your resolutions - are you doing any?  What fits for you for 2010?


  1. keep on...i am sure that there are more readers than commentators...we all can take today and work harder to make every day count....

  2. Maggie: I think it is very gutsy to post your New Year's resolutions on your blog! I'm still working on mine. Patience and lack of swearing are good ones.

  3. Great resolutions. I personally shy away from them since I have never been good at sticking to them. As a family we are going to work our way throuhg Chinese cooking this year. Try as many recipes as we can. For dinner yesterday we did two and we quickly learned that you need to have everything prepped and know you recipe well because it goes very quickly. I think the triathlon goal is very gutsy, we should pick one to train together for as I would like to do one this year.

  4. The YWCA Minneapolis Triathlon is a fabulous event. Anyone considering a Triathlon should consider it - women only (sorry guys) and fun!
