Monday, October 12, 2009

The Great Diet Dilemma

One of the first goals I have for this journey is to be truly comfortable in my own skin by the time I turn 50. Like many women my age, my weight has crept up over time due to any number of things - thyroid, hormones, peri-menopause and of course eating too much and exercising too little - go figure!

Over the years, I have tracked my food, counted points, lowered carbs, and even eaten lecithin and kelp (remember that one?) I've been on diets from South Beach to Flat Belly, from Scarsdale to Pritikin and on and on. I'm really good at starting diets, but not so good at sticking to them.

Somehow, I feel, that If I'm not "on" a program, I can't make progress, and of course it's easy to blame the lack of progress on the program - kind of a viscious circle. So I think I need to change the way I'm approaching this whole thing.

As I said, my goal is to feel good about myself. I want to stop worrying about those 20 pounds and either figure out a way to take them off or shut up about it already.

So I'm going to be on my own program - the Maggie Plan. I'll work on eating well (I have no excuse given the fabulous farmer's markets I talked about on Saturday), exercise - (we belong to a wonderful YWCA), and lastly, give myself a break. I know I also need to be grateful that I have this healthy, albeit, not tiny body and take advantage of what it can do.

I promise not to harp on this topic over the year, but I will update my progress occasionally, and please feel free to lend me some insight as I go through this - all advice and support is welcomed.

I'll share more of my goals for the year tomorrow - One day at a time.


  1. Congratulations on your blog, Maggie! I read with great interest as you and I share this 50th year milestone in our lives. We also share a common goal of feeling good about ourselves. I could spend an entire year on that topic alone! For me, meditation is a great reminder of who I really am.

    Mark Bittman's book "Food Matters" has captured my attention for his healthy attitude towards food and health. He also has a blog that I like:


  2. Maggie: The good news is that you are healthy, aware and having fun. The bad news is that your metabolism slows down as you get older. Focus on the good part and don't worry too much about the bad. Pat
