Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tide me Over

I said somewhere along the line that Sunday was going to be my contemplative day.  We do go to often go to church on Sunday.  We belong to a church that we love - St. Joan of Arc in Minneapolis.  I find being a part of that community feeds my soul in many ways.  

I realized today, though, that one of the ways I spend time in thought or contemplation is when I'm doing laundry.  I actually like doing laundry - not in a weird Betty Crocker, my house has to be perfect all the time way (anyone who knows me can attest to that) but in a doing laundry helps me think kind of way. I enjoy the routine of separating, washing, drying and especially folding.  

I know that when I feel overwhelmed by the number of things in my brain, or how much I need to do for work, or how many tasks I need to get finished, I can do a couple of loads of laundry and feel like I've accomplished something.  It, of course, has the added benefit of my kids being able to have clean clothes for school, but there is something about doing work with my hands while I'm trying to figure out a problem or work through an idea that helps.  

OK - I might be a little on the wacky side for this one, but I think I'll keep at it until I can figure out a better way to contemplate.  

1 comment:

  1. I am the same way with dishes. I find it extremely therapuetic.
