Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Candy Miracle

I just realized this morning, that I made it through yesterday without eating one piece of candy.  Now this is something of a miracle for me.  I think it may be the first Halloween since I could eat solid food, that I have done that.

I know this sounds crazy, but in the past Halloween has been something of a free for all day for me.  One fun size snickers (whose idea of fun is that by the way?) leads to two butterfingers, which leads to a oh well, the day is lost anyway attitude which leads to many trips through the boys halloween bags. I usually end up with a total sugar buzz and generally icky feeling about myself.

I'm not promising that I will never eat another piece of candy.  In fact, I'm trying to embrace the idea of all things in moderation, but I feel good about not going down the candy garden path yesterday. 

1 comment:

  1. i have never been able to do that!!it may be a life changing experience.
